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Why do hosting prices vary so much?

A great question and one we get asked a lot. With hosting prices ranging from tens of pounds a year, to hundreds of pounds a month, it can be very confusing to understand why.

So here we try and help explain the differences.

The shortest answer is “because all hosting is not equal!”

The cheapest hosting is, generally speaking, the poorest in terms of performance, position in search engine results and reliability. This is down to many factors, but the main ones are:

  • Sharing the same server as hundreds if not thousands of other websites.
  • Not enough computing power / resources for your website to run properly, which can result in slow page loading times, or even the site not being available at all.
  • Sharing the server with one or more sites that are currently on blacklists, meaning that your site comes much lower in search results, purely by association of being on the same server as the blacklisted sites.
  • Poor response times on support issues, no ability to chat with the support team (email only, or support-ticket only systems).

Top price hosting would mean you have one or more dedicated servers to run just your website, with guaranteed response times when things do go wrong and an account manager who knows your business well and looks after all your website hosting needs. This will cost a lot of money and is overkill for the vast majority of businesses.

What you really want is somewhere in the middle of the two extremes.

That is what we provide. Good quality hosting solutions that are only used by our customers, you will only ever be sharing a server with a maximum of 19 other customers and in most cases much less than this. The server will be appropriately specified to deliver what your website needs in order to be fast, reliable and well-liked by Google.

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